Event Photo Gallery
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2021 Annual Conference - What Home Means to Me Poster Contest
Each year SERC NAHRO is proud to participate in the What Home Means to Me Poster Contest. Hosted by the SERC Emerging Leaders Committee, each of the 10 SERC NAHRO member states hosts a poster contest selecting a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner for each age category. Once state winners are selected, they are sent to SERC NAHRO and judged on the regional level. Winners are then selected on the regional level and forwarded on to SERC NAHRO for the national competition. This year, NAHRO Fellows Shaundra Clark (Tifton, GA), Jacob Oglesby (Augusta, GA), Thomas Rowe (Murfreesboro, TN), and Ailrick Young (Laurel, MS) judged the SERC NAHRO coemption and selected the winders to be forwarded on to the national level.

2021 Fall Workshop
Sunday Reception

2022 Annual Conference - Awards Luncheon
The Awards Luncheon is an opportunity for SERC to come together and celebrate each other's success. This year, three committees honored agencies with varying awards to recognize their achievements in addition to SERC-NAHRO honoring one new Lifetime Member and two Distinguished Service Members.

2022 Annual Conference - Opening Session
The SERC-NAHRO Opening Session is a tradition spanning back decades of SERC history.

2022 Annual Conference - Sessions
This year SERC NAHRO was treated to an excellent selection of educational sessions.

2023 Annual Conference - First Time Attendee Ice Cream Social
June 26-28, 2023

2023 Annual Conference - General Conference
June 26-28, 2023

2023 Annual Conference - Opening Session
June 26-28, 2023

2021 Annual Conference - Awards Ceremony and Dinner
To bring the conference to a close we all gathered together to celebrate the accomplishments of SERC NAHRO Agencies over the last two years.

2021 Annual Conference - Business Meeting and Luncheon
Held on Monday June 13th, SERC held its business meeting. Each member of the Executive Committee Member gave a brief report of their offices and the committees within their portfolio. Within the Business Meeting Officers for the 2021-2023 term were elected, with Shaundra Clark (Tifton, GA) being elected President. Following the business meeting, SERC was treated to brief remarks from Sunny Shaw, NAHRO President.

2021 Annual Conference - Commissioners Reception
For the first time, a reception specifically for Commissioners was planned to encourage collaboration and conversation.

2021 Annual Conference - Concurrent Sessions
No conference would be complete without a wonderful selection of educational opportunities.

2021 Annual Conference - Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting was held on June 12th and gave each Executive Committee the opportunity to report on the status of their committee’s 2019-2021 goals.

2021 Annual Conference - Legislative Luncheon
During our Legislative Luncheon, Tess Hembree (NAHRO Director of Congressional Relations) gave us a brief update on how we can made assist in national congressional relations. NAHRO President, Sunny Shaw then introduced Patricia S. Wells current NAHRO Senior Vice President and NAHRO Presidential Candidate. Though Patricia was unable to join us in person, she was able to send a video message sharing more about her platform for NAHRO President. Sunny then introduced both candidates for NAHRO Senior Vice President, George Green and Marsha Parham-Green. Both Senior Vice President candidates shared brief remarks and answered questions from the audience.

2021 Annual Conference - President's Reception
The President’s Reception was another opportunity for attendees to come together and catch up after a long year without conferences. Attendees could enjoy the What Home Means to Me Poster Contest entries.

2021 Fall Workshop
Committee Meetings

2021 Fall Workshop
Executive Committee

2021 Fall Workshop
Opening Session

2021 Fall Workshop
Monday Reception

2021 Fall Workshop - Scholarship
Coming Soon

2021 Fall Workshop - Sessions
Coming Soon

2021 Transition Meeting
Coming Soon

2021 Transition Meeting - Breakout Session
Coming Soon

2021 Transition Meeting - Committee Meetings
Coming Soon

2021 Transition Meeting - Committee Meetings Cont.
Coming Soon

2021 Transition Meeting - Dinner
Coming Soon

2022 Annual Conference - Executive Committee Meeting
SERC-NAHRO holds committee meetings throughout the year to give committees the opportunity to meet in person. These meetings allow for committees to stay up to date on current happenings, plan upcoming SERC Events, and work to accomplish their goals.

2022 Annual Conference - Masquerade Ball
After a very productive conference, SERC came together to celebrate in style!

2022 Annual Conference - Scholarship Dinner
In culmination of the Scholarship Committee's 50/50 fundraiser state representatives strutted the runway in their best Masquerade looks. After a quick Q and A session with our contestants, our state representatives took to the audience to collect as many beads as possible.

2022 TAHRA - KHA Annual Conference
Thank you for joining us at the Annual TAHRA/KHA Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This conference was an excellent opportunity for TAHRA Housers to come together for a time of education and training to develop skills and strategies they can now apply to their individual agencies.